Saturday, December 23, 2006

Is selling out like being Dirty?

...because that's how I sometimes feel at work. At the company we teach English. One component that we are responsible for is the testing of students. We have to administer some tests when they are ready for the next skill level. Certain instructors receive training to do this and with each test the instructor records pass/fail and some comments.

In a perfect world this would run smoothly. The problem is that the company is, well, a company and runs to make money. So often some students will think they are ready for the next level and want to be levelled up as they say. Some are so adamant they will imply that they will stop taking lessons if they don't advance (keep in mind these students are usually pretty awful with the English; it may account for the copious amounts of Engrish in Japan)

So the sales team at the branches will basically tell us that these students must pass. By hook or by crook comes to mind; just don't try to teach this one to these students it'll waste your time.

So as a lower middle management type I must walk the line between integrity and towing the line. I had to review 3 "failed" tests to see if "the instructors made the right decision". Let me tell you that most instructors make reasonably accurate decisions, but sometimes people are biased one way or another.

One of the students takes lessons at my branch so I flatly failed them. I decided to go with the instructor because the student would place great a burden on me if I got him in my class. Another student I passed on the fact that I couldn't (just trust me, I can't) fail all three students and that the student went to another branch so I would never meet him or her. With the last student I passed the buck. I told the office staff to ask the instructor for more detail.

Although I didn't, other lower middle management types will alter instructor comments to pass a failed student.

So there you have it. I have caused grief for some poor instructors somewhere out there, because now there is at least one more student who will stare blankly, stutter incredibly, answer with ludicrous responses, ramble, not respond, and/or cry in class because they have not the skill to take the lesson.

Bad Otaku, bad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, damn The Man.

I don't really blame you, or any other instructor. It just severely annoys me that the special student screws up life for the other students who have paid equally for my time, but said time is spent making sure Special over there isn't going to make problems by callin in later on.

I feel like the company could save everyone some frustration (and money) by separating those students out and only letting them take lessons with each other, or individual ones. They have to be losing money on the students who just do not want to put up with the Specials out there, but are too polite to complain, so they don't come back.

Of course, I'm just a peon. And a new one at that. So what do I know?
