Thursday, February 08, 2007

No more ranting

Ranting is a way of life for some people. For me, I like to do it, but I often look like a fool for doing it. So in my last post about the idiots caught with drugs in Saitama, I predicted a slew of crazy things. But, when I looked up the incident the coverage in the Japanese media was average to minimal. Too bad I ranted before going to google.

Funny thing though... I was walking home from work last night. There is a road that runs along a river towards my house and I was walking along it at about 11:30PM. A police officer on a bike passed me and a moment later he turned bike around and said "Good evening,...[Japanese]"

Well, my response was "Sorry. Japanese. Total. Speak not. Foreigner."

He paused and asked me some more questions and I replied, "understand not."

He then asked me some more questions and I recognized "Korean" and "Chinese" and I told him that I was Canadian and spoke English. So he tried to say a word that was supposed to be in English but I couldn't figure out what it was. He kept saying "eigo(English)..." and I thought, "Dude, I teach the engrish and there is no word in my vocab even close..." and I've heard lots of katakana versions of English words.

Anyway to save him the trouble I showed him my foreigner card. His puzzled look told me he wanted something else but being polite he looked at it and read my name like a meishi card and looked at the address and handed it back. We "talked" some more and I got "work.home. returning?" out of it and I said, "yes. over there".

He passed by my place as I was getting to my front door. I bowed and he nodded his head. I should hit the books me thinks.


Lakeic said...

me thinks you should hit the books too or at least say nihongo o hanashimasen ^_^

BrettCute said...

I got pulled over on my bike in that same instance. I thought I was screwed because my bike wasn't registered in my name. Buuuut, they let me go. Weird, they were probably just looking for some foreigner who had stolen a baby or something.

Nihongo ga hanasemasen! Boku wa gaijin desu yo. Chinchin o misetekudasai!

karaoke queen said...

Ooo Okami! That last one!

OsakaOtaku said...

hee hee Okami. I know what your thinking about!!!!