Sunday, February 25, 2007

Soire BDay Sayo Hello

This weekend has been pretty busy. It all came together at Soire. Soire is the new Dunk. There were three events all rolled into one.

First, we had Sarah's birthday...

Next we had Masahito's visit with his man Ross (not shown)...

And finally we had Sally and Marcus's sayounara...

Soire was busy and everyone had a great time, though tears were shed as Marcus and Sally said their final goodbyes over a drink. They won't leave for another week or so but this is the final harrah!

There were also some Japanese regulars there to join the party. This guy was pretty interesting. His name is Nobu and he wanted to learn English. The lucky guy was hanging with some of Kouji's(I mean Haku now) hostess pals.

1 comment:

OsakaOtaku said...

Yes they are. Kouji changed his name for luck or something like that. It's really confusing when you speak of him to people. Some remember him as Kouji and others, especially new Japanese regulars who have no idea that Haku was a recent change.