Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Canada - Jan16

Today we spent some time with Jamie's mom. The plan was to make some perogies, but instead we went shopping. It wasn't for computer stuff as some of us who know us would assume. I also managed to pick up a new pair of jeans, a work shirt, some undies, as well as some stuff for people who requested stuff from Canada.

Tonight Lorna made dinner while I cleaned out her PC and installed some RAM. For some reason her old RAM and new RAM didn't like each other so she gave me her old RAM, which I can re-use for my server. Yes!

After dinner I spent some quality time playing dolls with Zoe, then did some colouring and we finished off with crafts. Together we managed to make a snowflake, paper shield, and a paper sword.


DJ said...

I've finally figured out that you have a blog! I think you're the first person I've know who has one :-)

Anonymous said...

Hooray for arts and crafts!!

And, YUM for pierogies!


OsakaOtaku said...

I love arts and crafts!