Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cleaning out my...

Over the course of a few months or a year, one's cellphone gets filled with an assortment of pictures. Some are useful while others are funny, and some are just plain confusing. I decided it was time to look through my phone to see what I had.

This one I got after a hard night of partying. I can't remember the exact event, but I can recall I was with Russ at God know's what time in the morning and we had decided to ditch the girls for some Yoshinoya. We saw these two laying about and had to have a picture. It's true that Japanese people can sleep anywhere.

It was at Heian Shrine in Kyoto where I took this picture. I really liked the water, wood and shadow. One thing I regret was not taking this shot on a better camera. The cellphone pics are always so grainy. What can you expect from a tiny CMOS sensor, eh?

I think I was waiting for someone when I took this one. As you can see, there are a lot of people about, but this isn't even close to busy! I have seen the place shoulder to shoulder before. Let's just say that if you aren't moving in the same direction as the wall of humanity, well you better plan to be late.

Here is a better picture of a busier place and time in Osaka. You can see a lot of people participating in the national sport. No, not sleeping. Shopping! You ask anyone, even 12 year olds, what their hobby is and 9 out of 10 people will respond shopping. Try it next time you're in Japan.

Here is another example of how Japanese people can sleep anywhere. This was taken in a Saizeriya, a local chain of pseudo-Italian family restaurants. In the picture you can see Jamie and a mysterious figure slumped in the corner.

One day I decided I was going to bring some instant ramen(Mr. Noodles) to work. Unfortunately I forgot to bring a bowl or cup. Luckily after watching MacGyver, A-Team, and Bill Nye the Science Guy for most of my childhood I was able to make do with what I had.

I had to do a double take when I saw this sign. What? A big burger in the land of tiny? EHHHH? This wasn't a hoax everyone! I had one today. It was TASTY!

The reason isn't really known to me, but I've never liked circuses. Not even Cirque du Soleil, so I wondered why I took the picture in the first place. Maybe it was because imagining a whole circus of potatoes doing acrobatics, tumbling and lion taming was too much for my sensible nature to ignore.


Mark said...

cool pictures and a nice blog!
greets, Mark
My blog.. I guess

Delly said...

Your awesome!! I need to know if you ate that ramen in the lunchroom at work - cos if so we can't talk no more. I need my street cred!

OsakaOtaku said...

Awesome site Mark.

Loved the Lego video.

OsakaOtaku said...

Delly. Uhh... no. I didn't eat it at work. yeah. no I didn't.