Monday, January 29, 2007

Housewarming and...

So last night we had a housewarming/Jamie's Bday/BBQ.

It was great. We had a lot of people over even though it was a Sunday night. A lot of people stayed inside because the weather is still a little chilly, but they would come upstairs to the roof to say hi now and then. Of course the hardcore BBQ aficionados stayed by the fire.

The BBQ worked well, and many thanks goes to our friend Michiko who was the undisputed grill master. She took over when I looked away for a moment and didn't let go until most of the grilling was done.

Downstairs we had our place packed with merriment and revelling. With the extra bodies our normally cold apartment was warm and cozy. The front door was even open ajar most of the night and no-one complained (I think).

After a bit we all moved to a bar dowstairs and around the corner called the Texas Cowboy Rancher. I kid you not. It was a themed pub and the owner is friendly and can speak a limited amount of English.

We stayed there and drank until about 3AM and finally people started leaving for their homes. That night we had some people sleep over as well.

This morning I found out we fed some feral cats, as I saw the tidy garbage bag, that I had stowed away last night, ripped to shreds and bones and garbage strewn everywhere. Oh well, at least the cats got fed.

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