Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Contract Renewal

I wasn't expecting it, but yesterday I had my end of contract/renewal evaluation observation. I wasn't expecting it because my contract doesn't end until the middle of March. I guess they wanted to get it over with earlier. Anyway, at the company every instructor gets at least two observations during a contract, not including the initial observations when one is freshmeat. You have the mid contract (6-8mo) and the end of contract/renewal (10months) obs. Your supervisor watches you teach a lesson. Anyway it kinda seems silly as most people make a show for the renewal obs, but what do I know? I'm just another number there. Anyway, my obs went fine. I've been doing this longer than most so I know my way around a lesson.

So in the obs feedback session I was given the results of the obs. My super Craig H. had spoken to a bunch of people in the office and told me everyone considers me to be one of those people who gets things done. I think it's because I get a lot of no-shows and I have time, but hey I'm not knocking good luck. Of course I'm also known as the happy guy around the center as well. I say good thing for caffeine. So I ended up with some pretty good "marks" I suppose. So I hope I get a fat (relatively speaking) raise but not expecting much.

1 comment:

OsakaOtaku said...

Yeah. Let's hope for more than $25 a month.