Thursday, August 02, 2007

Meeting Erika

When we arrived in Osaka after a long day at Fushimi Inari we got a message from Erika to meet for dinner. Jamie met Erika on Facebook. I think they met in a group called Ikuno/Imazato. Erika was surprised that her neighbourhood made it on Facebook. Our friend Danni started it as many of us had and still live there. We decided on Asian Days for the all you can eat hotpot. We didn't really know what to expect when we arrived outside of BIC Camera, but we were pleasantly surprised.
A typical Osakan, Erika was outgoing and great fun. She was quite shy with the English though. She is an intermediate level student so she was capable but I guess was embarrassed as it was our first meeting. I think Ikuyo and Erika had a great time because they laughed and joked all throughout dinner. Ikuyo played translator for me and sometimes for Erika. Near the end of the meal I discovered that Erika was into taking photos too.

She had this nifty 35mm camera with a cool multicoloured flash unit. She could rotate the flash bulb and switch between different colours! After the last of the food was devoured we took some pics and even used my slave flash for some fun pics. For dessert we went for some icecream at a street vendor across from BIC.

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